May & June 2023 News & Update
The CPCA-ACPC was present for the 10th Expo-Préhospitalier which was taking place in the beginning of May ! Since then, the association has beginning to work around with ambulance companies to make them challenge coins for their service, including Service-Secours Baie-des-Chaleurs (see Home).

August 2022 News & Update
The CPCA-ACPC is proud to be part of the Paramedic Across Canada Expo taking place in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan this year ! The PACE will be held from the 7th to the 11th at the Prairieland Park. Courses and conferences will be held for all the duration. The Association has been able to get a booth to represent the organization and our hobby, so bring your patches and coins with you in your travel ! Hoping to see you there !
June 2022 News & Update
The CPCA-ACPC is proud to have partnered up with the Sea to Sea for PTSD !
This movement has been started by an Army Veteran and now working with the Alberta Sheriff Highway Patrol. This man, Chad Kennedy, is now walking from Cranbrook, BC and trying to reach St. John's, NL by giving 10$ for each kilometers walked.
For now, the CPCA-ACPC has about 250$ to give to Sea to Sea for PTSD to help reach as much money as possible. You can either help by buying our challenge coins/patches or by donate directly on his website and check him on Facebook. They talk near daily telling how the day was and where they are heading next ! They are now in Ontario, with more than 70 days on the road.

April 2022 News & Update
In April 2022, we have hit the 250 members in the CPCA Facebook group ! In the same way of growth, the registry from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta has been created, they will need polishing in the next weeks.
The CPCA logo has been updated and is now in a better shape. The new logo has received the new name to include more the french population. The group is now called CPCA-ACPC to honour both languages.
The CPCA challenge coin is in production, and we are working with a foundation related to the ambulance from Quebec to help them raise funds. A project has also been offered to an ambulance service in the Quebec province as well.