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Challenge Coins Design Shop

Making you proud to show and trade this coin around!

Looking for a challenge coin to give to your employees and to your fellow colleagues of other services ? The CPCA-ACPC has you covered ! We offer to design a challenge coin for your service and to deliver them directly at your station. Anything can be made ! We definitely have the best pricing for orders ranging from 100 to 1000 coins. You will not regret. 

Our latest project



Dessercom is one of the biggest EMS provider in the province of Quebec. Known for their philantropy and efficient EMS services, this coin is representing Dessercom and their Honour Guard at the highest level.


Services-Secours Baie-des-Chaleurs est une entreprise ambulancière basé dans la région du même nom, avec 3 casernes pour desservir un des plus territoires du Québec. Saluez-les durant votre visite en Gaspésie ! 

Tour Paramedic
Quebec 2022

La Petite Sirène

& many more to come ! 

© 2022 par CPCA-ACPC. Créé avec

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